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I ask myself these questions

Asking questions also is a huge component of minimalism. In fact minimalism starts with questioning yourself and your life. Every once in a while I think that we should evaluate the different areas of our lives. Examining the different aspects of your life helps you figure out what is truly important and essential to you. So here are a three areas of your life that you can evaluate right now. This is not a complete list by any means, but in my opinion, these are key areas that deserve to be looked at:

1. Question everything you own.

Do you really need this? Do you use this every day, every week or every month? Does this object hold any sentimental value? Does it generate revenue for you? Do you have enough things to satisfy your needs? Do you have too much stuff?

2. Look your relationships.

Are your relationships weak or healthy? Can you improve them? Can you eliminate the weak relationships?

3. Evaluate the things that you do on a daily or weekly basis.

Do you perform well in these activities? Do you enjoy them? Do they make you happy?

These are all big question that you can ask yourself. You might not find answers to all of them right away which is normal. The important thing is that you took a step back from your life and analysed it a little.